Scottdale Historical Society
Scottdale Historical Society

Share Your Scottdale Memories

Scottdale 150 Community Memories

We need your input! Help our committee create a commemorative booklet to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of Scottdale, PA.  Your answers will help us identify what topics to include in this historical document.  Survey closes in early July, get your responses in today!

Share your Scottdale Memories

As we  continue to celebrate our town, we invite you to share your thoughts to the following questions.

  • What will Scottdale be like in 10 or 50 years?
  • If you had to leave Scottdale, what are the things you would miss the most?
  • What has Scottdale lost that matters most to you?
  • What do I enjoy most about Scottdale today?

You may fill out the form below, or submit your responses to


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Sharing Scottdale Memories

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What's New


Historical Society meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month and start at 6:30 p.m.  If you have interest in attending, please email us.


Paint Donations!

We are seeking donations for exterior paint and supplies.  Click Here for more details on how you can help!


We are seeking volunteers to help with:

  • Exterior painting and maintenance
  • Event planning and assistance
  • Interior housekeeping
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© Scottdale Historical Society